Wednesday, May 27, 2009
"It's Too Small"
Isabel wanted to play with the baby today and brought a couple of toys over to my stomach and then said "It's too small to fit a toy in there. I can't give her a toy." She was pointing at my belly button. I started laughing and she started laughing and saying, "The baby is laughing too. Her is laughing, mommy!" Then she leaned in and said, "Hi. I'm Isabel."
18 Weeks

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Doctor Visit @ 17 Weeks
Well, this week seems to be a turning point. I have felt pretty good the past few days with no nausea at all (except my stomach got upset last night and tha may have been because I am not sure if my steak at Applebees was seasoned with garlic powder or not or if it was the fact that I ate a cookie -- sweets have upset my stomach too).
Anyways, I gained 3.25 pounds from 4 weeks ago, which puts me at just over a pound gained for the entire pregnancy (since I lost weight initially). So, the doctor was pleased that I put on some weight and didn't lose any.
We heard the baby's heartbeat and this time it was 130bpm. A boy? I guess only time will tell. We have an ultrasound on June 11th when I am 20 weeks. Hopefully the baby will be accomodating and let us see if they are a boy or girl. Daddy says he doesn't want to do a 3D ultrasound because he saw a video from it and thought it was creepy.
Anyways, I gained 3.25 pounds from 4 weeks ago, which puts me at just over a pound gained for the entire pregnancy (since I lost weight initially). So, the doctor was pleased that I put on some weight and didn't lose any.
We heard the baby's heartbeat and this time it was 130bpm. A boy? I guess only time will tell. We have an ultrasound on June 11th when I am 20 weeks. Hopefully the baby will be accomodating and let us see if they are a boy or girl. Daddy says he doesn't want to do a 3D ultrasound because he saw a video from it and thought it was creepy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
17 Weeks (well, tomorrow it will be)

I decided that since we had the time this morning & I was getting pictures of everything else I would do my weekly picture a day early. With tomorrow being Isabel's birthday I may get to caught up in everything we are doing for that and forget to get the camera set up on the tripod.
I have not puked in 8 days. Woohoo! And yesterday I felt great all day! No nausea at any point. I am not sure if the sickness stuff is all gone, but I sure hope it is. It would be nice to have it gone at 17 weeks and not have 3 more weeks (I went to 20 weeks with Isabel).
On Thursday I have a doctor's appt. and will get the quad-screen (blood work) done. It's just checking for chance of certain genetic defects. I think it just checks for markers & factors in age and whatever else it factors it. It's my blood they draw, not the baby's. We did it with Isabel and I am not sure that the probabilities would change much, but I guess we'll see. And then on Thursday I will be able to schedule my ultrasound, which will be done around 20 weeks.
Oh, and last night daddy got to feel the baby moving around for the first time. I was happy he got to feel that as I have been able to feel it for some time now.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
16 Weeks

Monday, May 11, 2009
If you hold your mouse over the top of one of the pictures in the slideshow it will stop and tell you have many weeks that picture is at.
Seriously, you do pop out so much sooner with a second child. I thought it was about 4 weeks, but I think I am wrong. Check out January 2006 on Isabel's blog. 22 weeks with Isabel looks very similar to 13 weeks with this baby. And then 23 weeks with Isabel looks like 15 weeks with this baby. Mt next picture with Isabel is in February 2006 at 27 weeks, but at the current rate I should be around 23 weeks when I look like that. And then at 30 weeks I should be about the same in both. I don't have another picture after 27 weeks until (almost) 32 weeks (see March 2006), then again at 34 weeks (see April 2006) and then again at 37 1/2 weeks (see May 2006). So, guess we won't be doing too many belly comparisons.
I don't know if we'll do professional maternity photographs with this one or not. We'll see how I feel and what our schedule is like. And with this baby I am making the effot to do a weekly pregnancy belly shot from 12 weeks on and I think that will be a nice thing to have for their baby book. I want to be "fair" and try to treat these kids equally right from conception, I want to try to make a conscious effort to not lag on photos & stuff with the second child. So, I know I need to be thinking about it otherwise it could happen.
I was thinking about doing a 3D ultrasound, but I am not sure we want to try to swing that expense; we certainly can't afford a professional maternity photography session AND a 3D ultrasound. I think a lot will depend upon how our 20-week ultrasound goes and if we are able to have a pretty definite determination on the baby's sex.
I do plan to do a professional photography session in November for Isabel's 3 1/2 picture and ones of the new baby and ones of our new family. I did photos of Isabel at 6 weeks, but I think we'll do these ones when this baby is around 4 weeks. I don't want to get too close to Xmas, and I will probably send out late xmas cards this year so that I can use those pictures.
I don't know if we'll do professional maternity photographs with this one or not. We'll see how I feel and what our schedule is like. And with this baby I am making the effot to do a weekly pregnancy belly shot from 12 weeks on and I think that will be a nice thing to have for their baby book. I want to be "fair" and try to treat these kids equally right from conception, I want to try to make a conscious effort to not lag on photos & stuff with the second child. So, I know I need to be thinking about it otherwise it could happen.
I was thinking about doing a 3D ultrasound, but I am not sure we want to try to swing that expense; we certainly can't afford a professional maternity photography session AND a 3D ultrasound. I think a lot will depend upon how our 20-week ultrasound goes and if we are able to have a pretty definite determination on the baby's sex.
I do plan to do a professional photography session in November for Isabel's 3 1/2 picture and ones of the new baby and ones of our new family. I did photos of Isabel at 6 weeks, but I think we'll do these ones when this baby is around 4 weeks. I don't want to get too close to Xmas, and I will probably send out late xmas cards this year so that I can use those pictures.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
15 Weeks

15 weeks now. I would love to tell you things got even better & the nausea & vomiting was all gone, but I would be lying. The all-day nausea is subsiding and more tolerable. I even stopped taking my anti-nausea pills a week ago (woohoo! no more constipation!), but I vomited the last 5 days. So far, so good today, but it's not even 5pm yet.
Did I tell you that I can feel the baby already? It's pretty neat. I remember the doctor asking me at 16 weeks with Isabel if I could feel anything and I wasn't sure what the flutters & tightness were supposed to feel like, but this time I know. I would say I have been able to feel the baby moving for a couple of weeks now. It's pretty neat.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Makes Your Heart Melt
So, Isabel's into picking flowers, which is fine if it's dandelions or violets in the yeard but when it is my petunias or impatiens in pots it can be annoying. But tonight she picks 2 petunias & 2 impaties flowers and we put them in a small shallow bowl of water and she says "A Mommy flower, a Daddy flower, a baby flower and a sister flower. It's our family, just like our family. Right mom?" How can that not just make your heart melt.
I am not sure if she was baby or sister. She keeps telling me that she wants a sister, but today we were talking about how we just found out that her friend Aleyah is going to be a big sister just like Isabel is going to be a big sister.
I am not sure if she was baby or sister. She keeps telling me that she wants a sister, but today we were talking about how we just found out that her friend Aleyah is going to be a big sister just like Isabel is going to be a big sister.
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