Started out with some park & picnic time at a park we have never been to in Faribault.

Then we headed to a barber shop so that Henry could get his second haircut (mommy trimming up above ears & eyes don't count). He wasn't really sure about what was all going on, but he sat there the entire time and did great. He looks like such a little boy and not a baby anymore when his curls are all cut off.
The other big thing for Henry today was that we set up his toddler bed. He slept in it for naptime after mommy had to go up there 3 times to tell him to stay in his bed and go to sleep. But at bedtime, even though it took a while to fall asleep he at least stayed in his bed the whole time.

After the haircut, I took the kids to the candy store to pick out a treat while daddy got his hair cut. They both got Tootsie pops and candy necklaces.

After nap time, it was pool time with our blow up pool. Last year we had the blow up pool out much earlier because it was warmer earlier. Oh well. The community pool, which we have a membership to, open next Sunday. So, we are looking forward to going to "our" pool all summer.

And we ended the day with roasted marshmallows, although Henry didn't want his roasted. And we had a nice long storytime out by the fire before bedtime.