Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Just a quick 5 second video... I love his laugh!

He has a weekly playdate with his friend Regan at our house and this one instance I took this to the park to go sledding after school.

Floor Hockey

 Faribault Community Ed offers a floor hockey program for grades kindergarten through 2nd grade. I missed the sign-up last last, well technically not missed it I just didn't call about it early enough and it was already full so this year I signed him up as soon as it came out. He really wanted to learn how to play floor hockey better. They had a short unit on on floor hockey in gym class but it was just doing basic drills which is what he did this first night except he did have the opportunity to learn how to play goalie. They will get to play games against each other as well. Playing games against each other was not something they got to do in gym class. This is only six sessions long but it will be fun for him to learn and he already enjoyed the first class.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Busy Weekend

 It was a busy weekend here. This top picture is of him holding his Valentine box that he made for 4H meeting and for the Valentine party at school this week. It is a Pokeball. I will I will be telling about how I made it on my blog tomorrow.
 Here's a collection of pictures of him at the Science Museum of Minnesota. The kids have some different interest so I went with him to explore while his sister went with their dad. Then we joined up to watch a couple of shows and go see an omnifest movie.
 This next picture is from the Saint Paul Winter Carnival. It's pretty neat to see what they can make out of ice.
 This is Henry's table at our 4-H meeting working on their science experiment. Each table had a different liquid to test and see what it would do to M&Ms and Skittles.
 And this picture is of him dissecting a heart and by dissecting a heart I mean he completely destroyed this guy was hard. This was his first class at Shattuck Saint Mary's. They offer these monthly science classes. He is technically a little young for it yet but I know the teacher and she had said he was fine to take it.
This I just had to share as well. I think there was a couple more pictures I took that he was moving too much and his face was blurred but I was trying so hard to get a picture and he just kept being a goofball.

Sledding with his 2nd Grade teacher

Here is a picture of him with his 2nd grade teacher. They are outside and ready to go down the sledding hill together. The kids in his grade who made their 2nd quarter reading goal got to participate in a sledding party one afternoon and he asked her to ride with him first. She is just a wonderful teacher and he really likes her.