Sunday, October 31, 2010

More Birthday Pics

The top collage is actually the after than the one below is the before. He wasn't too happy about the candles & not being able to touch his cake and started having a toddler breakdown.

We had his big birthday party last weekend when we were in WI by mommy's family. The kids have 2 cousins their age there, so it's more fun. We brought a long our bounce house as a fun activity for the party since Henry loves the bounce house. We decorated with a homemade banner I made, streamers & balloons. There were goodie bags for all the kids. And I made spaghetti & pizza & fruit (Some of Henry's favorites) for 14 people for dinner. And I also made him some lego cakes (see below). It was actually kind of a pain to make them. I went much simpler in the cake department for this weekend. Right now I just don't have the time to do elaborate cakes when I have two little ones tugging at me all the time, maybe some day. And of course we did some presents.

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