Tuesday, July 19, 2016


 Last night of baseball for Henry for the summer. He has been doing this twice a week since the middle of June. He wasn't so sure about doing it's because last year he did Tebow and he wasn't confident that he could hit off a pitch, but he did pretty well. He could go to another game on Wednesday night but given that we are projected to have a heat index of over 100 with humidity in the seventies I have opted to call it done for him.
 Lucky boy had Kona Ice show up at the last day of baseball for him as well as the last day of soccer. Kona Ice is the equivalent of an ice cream truck but they serve snow cones in a variety of flavors.
He said he enjoyed both soccer and baseball and wants to do them again next summer. I learned there is an opportunity for him to do soccer in the fall but we will see how it fits with our schedule.

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