Wednesday, May 6, 2009

15 Weeks

What a dreary day out today. It has been rainy off & on all day, so I didn'thave nice sunlight pouring into the nursery for this picture.

15 weeks now. I would love to tell you things got even better & the nausea & vomiting was all gone, but I would be lying. The all-day nausea is subsiding and more tolerable. I even stopped taking my anti-nausea pills a week ago (woohoo! no more constipation!), but I vomited the last 5 days. So far, so good today, but it's not even 5pm yet.

Did I tell you that I can feel the baby already? It's pretty neat. I remember the doctor asking me at 16 weeks with Isabel if I could feel anything and I wasn't sure what the flutters & tightness were supposed to feel like, but this time I know. I would say I have been able to feel the baby moving for a couple of weeks now. It's pretty neat.

1 comment:

Rachael's Mommy said...

sun is coming and the nausea will go away. hang in there! you look great btw!